
SeeSaw Sight Journies

The right journey in Munich for everyone. Simply select a journey, flexibly interrupt if required: booking code valid for 6 months

Summer Tours

Our scavenger hunt program with prizes during the summer holidays between 22.07. - 09.09.24 !

Whether you're a local or visiting Munich, join our summer specials for teens and families and jump into an action-packed scavenger hunt through the city! Gather your friends for unparalleled fun and see who's the fastest on the leaderboard.

Let the adventure begin: book a challenge and you have time to complete it with just a smartphone when it suits you.

Or book one of the fixed dates on which we at SeeSaw Sight will be available on site at the start and finish. Feel free to ask any further questions by e-mail or Whatsapp: info@seesawsight.com, +4915223909006

  • Adventure throughout the city: Discover Munich's hidden gems and iconic landmarks with our scavenger hunt.
  • Team challenges: Form a team with your friends or family and answer questions virtually - an exciting challenge against others.
  • Gaming Mode: Track your progress and find out which teams are the fastest in the end. The competition is open!
  • Prizes for the winners: At the end of the summer, the 3 best teams per challenge will win great prizes.

SeeSaw Sight brings you

Smart and mobile on sight. Explore an array of exciting journeys with SeeSaw Sight.

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