
Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of the most common questions we get asked. If you dont find what you are looking for feel free to send us a message through the contact section and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.

Once you sign up for a journey you will be given a list of checkpoints. You will only see where you are going next once you have completed the current checkpoint.

Please read the full instructions on how to use the codes here: How to use a booking reference or joining code

No. SeeSaw Sight does not need any location data from you or your device. There is no real time exchange of your location. If you choose to use the Google Maps helper function your location is displayed through Google Maps in the browser.

Firstly, uploading photos of yourself is optional and adds to the fun of your experience. In gaming mode we do expect you to load 1 photo per checkpoint by way of proof you were there. SeeSaw Sight stores your images with your profile data. The images are not obtainable by any third party. Only your SeeSaw Sight account and any of your team mates have access to the images.

Yes, you can irrevocably delete your SeeSaw customer account and all your data at any time. To do this, you must log into your customer account on the SeeSaw website and under Profile you will find the menu item "Delete my account".

If you are unable to find a checkpoint even after seeking help from the Google maps link we have not described it properly. Please give us this feedback. Skipping checkpoints is allowed.

You can skip a checkpoint simply by clicking on the "we are here" button. Be aware that the next checkpoint instructions may be from the perspective of the skipped checkpoint.

There are no real rules but to maximize your own adventure fun try not use the Google Maps link for help unless you really need to. Should you need the mapping help we would love that feedback as we would like to be able to describe the checkpoint better in that case. Our description often include distance and orientation so it would be a good idea to know your NSEW directions :)

In the city there are a number of bike or scooter hiring vendors. Download the app and get one.

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