
The important stuff

How it works

Choose a mode : normal Smart City Sightseeing or Gaming Mode
Number of people Select the number of people: from 1 person, teams of up to four people each, several teams can participate in parallel
Buy Online After purchasing online, you will immediately receive a confirmation email with all the instructions and a unique, individualised membership code or, if there are several people, several team membership codes.
Form Teams The admin can allocate participants to teams before the event and also make changes to team names and team photos.
Start the journey: Everyone should be at the start checkpoint at your desired start time. Each participant must register via the link sent in the confirmation email with the team entry code assigned to them and register and log in with an existing email address.
Important for the gaming mode and especially for teams, please only start the journey together on site via the red button in the navigation, as the timer will start from then on.
After entering the team code, as many mobile devices can be used simultaneously as there are participants booked.
My Journeys: In your SeeSaw Sight account under the menu item "My Journeys", you can view both your incomplete journeys and your completed journeys at any time

Active athletes

Active athletes

Unique in Munich: Take on the virtual challenge against others in gaming mode in the hunt for the best moments and guaranteed city highlights. You can also undertake almost any journey in gaming mode, i.e. you walk the same route as on the sightseeing trip, but your time is measured and counted for the leaderboard if you like. Different teams within a group can compete against each other here. There are also special activities for children as a holiday programme.

Smart City Sightseeing

Smart City Sightseeing

Experience our unique city sightseeing, including our city rallies, on foot and/or by bike along the highlights within Munich on routes other than the classic ring routes. Integrate your sightseeing into your day as it suits you and your plans best: DIY - you decide the start date and time yourself. All the tips and interesting information you need about the highlights will be sent to your smartphone by us as locals, with integrated links for further details and information on opening times and ticket bookings.

Complete your trip with your own photo/selfie for your own personal memory. Puzzles on our city rallies, also very family-friendly.

Easily create your own group event.

Your personalised group experience

Your personalised group experience

Integrate our routes into your team building or our activity with you is your team event. We are also happy to design and develop completely customised activities for you: you can determine the start and end point of your trip flexibly, e.g. start from the office and end at a restaurant you have reserved, in between with a fun factor in gaming mode against each other passing highlights of the metropolis with its many facets. We are also happy to advise and help you with our Local Insiders for company and Christmas parties, events or as part of corporate benefits for your employees.

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Sportlich Aktive

Sportlich Aktive

Combine sporting activity with city flair and sightseeing. Look forward to our endurance laps on foot or by bike or a combination of the two through Munich and the nearby city parks. Developed by a very active local athlete

Munich Royal Summer
Munich Traditional Ultra

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There's always something going on in Munich

There's always something going on in Munich

Let SeeSaw Sight guide you directly to your event location.

Visiting Munich to attend one of the many and often regularly recurring major events? Use our app for this information, read further information there, how and where to get there by public transport, etc.. With SeeSaw Sight, you get everything bundled together on your mobile phone: all the information you need about your event location and how to get there, plus a few important hotspots along the way.

Book our Munich Football Beer Sights now for EURO 2024: First immerse yourself in the atmosphere at Marienplatz, the internationally known meeting place for many football fans from the media, and then let yourself be guided past the Hofbräuhaus and directly to the football arena.

English and German

English and German

Every Sightseeing or Gaming Tour is also available in English, created from a native speaking local. We would love to show you our beautiful city with the use of SeeSaw DIY Sightseeing on your smart phone.

SeeSaw Sight offers two interactive modes: Gaming and Sightseeing each ending in a fun photo collage. Gaming Mode features virtual challenges with leaderboard competition, while Sightseeing Mode provides self-guided tours with smartphone instructions for exploring cultural sights at your own pace, including options for active exploration and customization.

Corporate tours are also available, in which a customized tour can be tailored to your need, including city rally action. SeeSaw Sight offers flexible booking options and easy to integrate user access.

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